HSS Ground Chain Sprocket Gear Hob
2023-06-02 11:46:40
HSS Ground Chain Sprocket Gear Hob
HSS M2, M35, PM ASP 30, S390
Single, 2 start or Multi Start
ground finishing
we are designing and prducing gear hobs to cut all types of spur, helical, involute, bevel & worm gears, which are commonly used on gear hobbing machines.
for non-standard gear hob cutters, we are making gear hobs according to the component or gear data offered by client, standard or non standard pitches.
- Module, DP and CP for Spur Gear Hobs
- Timing Pulley Hob for S.T.D XL(5.08)
- Comparision of Gear and Hob Class
- PA20° Profile DIN3972 Standard Gear Hob Cutter with Module m4.5
- PA20° Profile DIN3972 Standard Gear Hob Cutter with Module m2.75
- PA20° DIN3972 Standard DP Gear Hob
- OEM HSS M2,M35 Material Gear Shaving Cutter with Module m1-m8